The Return of the Alchemists Part Four: The Art of the Alchemist
By Raoul Tollmann, founder of AlchemiaNova                         

Continued from page 1

Contemporary science has long disputed the existence of such non-metallic and totally non-toxic forms of metals, but then, something important happened. Electron Microscopy and more specifically Scanning Tunneling Microscopy reached a state that actually allowed taking a peek at the molecular and atomic level; providing fascinating pictures of atoms in lattices that do not support the common accepted model of the atom in chemistry textbooks. The surprising discovery was that metals, such as those in gold chloride or comparable dissolved salts in water, tend to stay in clustered aggregates and are surrounded by a cloud of chlorine, in our example, mimicking a true solution. Thus, the relatively new branch of cluster chemistry was born.

The following question thus became relevant: What happens if we attack the metal clusters and reduce their size? Remarkably, metal clusters will reform in their shape, depending on their size, and will eventually break up and rearrange themselves into single atoms or monoatoms.3 This transition from the state of metallic aggregation to single atoms is usually accompanied by a partial, or total, change of the physical and chemical properties of the metal at hand, which loses its metallic nature and becomes a monovalent or zerovalent atom. Once formed, these edible monoatoms are a distinct phase of matter and will re-aggregate, forming a material with a look comparable to ceramic crystals when examined under a microscope.

These monoatoms are less reactive than their metallic counterparts, and are found in nature. They cannot be returned to the metallic state by standard metallurgical means. It is this test that can show if we have indeed produced the edible, often highly psychoactive monoatomic form of the element, or if we have merely produced metallic oxides. Modern science has finally caught up with the most basic preparation of mineral alchemy, that of the calx of a metal that cannot be revivified.

The next level up the ladder of Western mineral alchemy are elixirs made from micro-clusters or monoatoms, by extracting them, bringing forth what are conceived to be their respective spirits or ‘formative forces,’ as Steiner puts it. The manufacturing process is initiated by what is called a ‘Lunar Extraction,’ because the masters of our art have developed a sleek process utilizing the polarized light of the moon to perform the feat of creating the secret solvent. Moon magic! Among the cognoscenti it is reported that this technique coagulates the ether of the ancients, making it an integral part of the resulting solvent, which is derived from organic sources and imbued with it. In traditional alchemical literature, this solvent is usually called spiritus mundi, or ‘the spirit of the world.’

It’s interesting to note in this context that Franz Bardon mentions in his work Initiation into Hermetics that human digestion of food is actually the extraction of the vital principles of food by use of the fifth element that we take in with the air we breathe, Bardon relates to it by the Hindu name, ‘akasha.’ If we follow this train of thought, then an alchemical preparation made with this ‘spirit of the world’ can be seen as an etherealized, pre-digested substance that does not need to go through any human digestion anymore. Alchemical literature has called the extraction of such calxes by the spiritus mundi a ‘digestion,’ a term that has migrated into modern chemistry where it has assumed quite a different meaning. An alchemical digestion lasts for forty days and is performed in a hermetically sealed vessel at a consistent, mild heat. Today, we use thermostat-controlled incubators. In the old days, alchemists plunged their flasks into horse dung, which provided consistent and even heat for the task of this digestion. Talk about biotechnology!

At the top level of mineral alchemy are the ‘oils of metals’ and ‘stones,’ miraculous substances that can perform such feats as instant rejuvenation and metallic transmutations. These substances are usually manufactured by adepts of the art, and since I am not one of them, I cannot report firsthand. But I have witnessed a large-scale metallic transmutation by a Washington State-based student of a Czech alchemist, and there are numerous reports of miraculous transformations witnessed by independent third parties that I have gathered from the literature of West and East. In the next article, we will review some of these and we will certainly discuss the underlying principles that guide them.


1 Bechamp’s main work has been translated into English and is available as a reprint: Bechamp, Antoine: The Blood and Its Third Element, several reprints available

2 One medieval reference that includes a viable manufacturing process of this calx of gold, today called monoatomic gold, is: Jugel, Johann G.: Johann Gottfried Jugels freyentdeckte Experimentalchymie, Leipzig, Germany 1766, Publisher J.P. Krause, page 172ff 

3 Possibly a good starting point to read more about this subject is the article: Microclusters by M. Duncan and D. Rouvray, Scientific American, Dec. 1989, p. 110ff


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